Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sugar High ♥♥

My Heart Kaboom : Mira Auro <3

she's my forever baby . she knows me better than anyone else . she'll always be the first girl who knows everything about my latest news *if she's not at her Hostel* . she will know the guy i adore and everything . she will be the first :') yeahh she really means a lot to me . like really A LOT . she's my ex-fiancee . sweet like hell issit <3 aw i know LOL . anyway , she's the best that i ever have and i really meant it so real . I Love You Keling :* wee wuu~~

My Froggy : Sharmaine Nadira <3

this is my one and only bestfriend plus adik <3 aw she's really like my sister ya know . lagi banyak lepak rumah dia dari rumah kawan yang lain . even katil kat bilik dia pun dah macam my own katil . haa cane cerita dia toqq ? and and her sister semua dah rapat dengan i :3 and her mum too . kira dia ni macam my real sister lah . anything share together kann ? start rapat pun since last year . sangat rapat okay <3 so yeah . I Love You Adik . rawr .

Left : My Everything : Liyana Fazil <3
Middle : My 143 : Izzaty Basyirah <3
Right : My Twins : Eh Leena <3

they are my sister . same like adik . but adik is more then much . hahah , they are part of me in class and anywhere . when we're sit together and talk . we'll never stop . that a fact . it's fun being with them . lot ups and downs . we settle it . but now , we're not like that anymore . cause we are now real sister's . even though Liyana Fazil always thought that she's not one of our sister's . but you still my sister okay ? I Love You and You and You too :3

Left : My Gigi Besi : Elisa Jayy <3
Middle : My Laughter : Najihah Rafikk <3
Right : My Manada : Aina Zamri <3

they are my laughter <3 i love them so so so so much . like seriously i do . my Oppa Lisa , Gha and titot . they are just perfect . part of my 'happiness of the day' :D without them , my schooling day is dull . not bored but not so fun cause yeah , i use to make jokes for them . i feel happy to see them laugh at my jokes :p okay i'm lying LOL , i'm happy to see them laugh with me :') so yeah , i lololololove you and you and you too :D

So this is my part of the list <3 LOL part of my happiness . use to be Happy/Sad-ness . but now , i thought of get rid that sadness cause now all i want is happiness in our sister's history . good and bad things , settle slowly . i don't mind other people , they're just jealous with me . cause i have the best-est and greatest sister's ever's LOL's . so yeah , they are my S-U-G-A-R-H-I-G-H

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